Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Ten People I'd Like To Meet
And My Progress So Far

10. Hugh Laurie.

Why? He's a pretty wicked [BRITISH] actor, and plays one of my favourite characters on television. Mostly, though I'd just like to catch him off guard and see if his eyes really are that blue.

Status: FAIL.

9. Dolores O'Riordan.

Why? The Cranberries. If she needs more than that, she delivers: she's Irish. Also, she wails like no other and seriously pulls off bleach blonde crew cuts, something I can't claim to be successful at.

Status: FAIL.

8. Marc-Andre Fleury.

Why? I have a great deal of respect for people who are incredibly talented at things I can't even begin to attempt. Also, evidently, for people with accents. His charm and good looks don't help the situation, either.

Status: FAIL. But, I have been in the same arena as the man.

7. Colin Meloy.

Why? Well, his impressive grasp of the english language circa 1837 simply fascinates me. I'd also appreciate his appraisal of any radishes I felt the need to buy. It just looks like a good idea.

Status: FAIL. But, I have shared a certain amount of oxygen with him, at The Decemberists Concert.

6. Eric Morelli.

Why? Well aside from having a voice that could melt butter, and a rather wonderful face, this guy wrote my favourite Christmas song, and many other great songs as well. Unicorns and Mustache's "All The Christmas" is a staple for my holiday enjoyment, and the video for "Song For A Friend" could cheer up a cat in a thunder storm.

Status: FAIL. But, I have received a personalized copy of The Study's first album, from a limb which included drawings and messages from Eric, himself. Badass.

5. Tom Gabel.

Why? Gah, babe-city. That's what I have to say. Also, because when I first heard Against Me! I pictured the front man to look a little more like this:

Clearly, I need to figure shit out.

Status: FAIL. But, I do have one mutual friend with him on facebook. Win.

4. Claire Danes.

Why? My So-Called Life, might as well be the title of my autobiography based on the percentage of my time spent watching that one-season-wonder. Not to mention, Claire's appearance in the movie Polish Wedding. Where she was both polish, and married to this guy:

I could handle that. Mostly, though I just think she's a killer actress and if she wanted to switch places with me, I'd be cool with it.

Status: FAIL.

3. Basia Bulat.

Why? She's my idol. Polish-Canadian singer/songwriter who's super talented and plays the autoharp? Who wouldn't want to meet her. Basically, I wish I could be her, and I think she's the coolest.

Status: SUCCESS! Nicest person in the world, most adorable, down to earth, sweet girl you'll ever meet. Still want to be her despite her dismissal of those comments.

2. Jon Stewart.

Why? Wow. I don't know where to begin, could it be the subconscious attraction I've had to him since I was a tot watching him try to dig out of his dressing room backstage at "Elmopalooza"?

Or maybe it's his hilarity, graceful aging, and intelligence. There's no denying that he's an incredibly talented, good looking older Jewish man, and I believe that this is grounds enough for wanting to meet him.

Status: FAIL.

1. Andrew McMahon.

Why? I find it quite difficult to explain my strange pull towards Mr. McMahon, but I'll try. This man is a hero to me, his music is amazing, but his story even more so. Well, at least, to me. A survivor of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia, this man has done wonders for the amount of money raised for pediatric cancer research, and for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. His incentives for the annual light the night walk encourage fans around the world to put an effort towards elevating the research that is currently being conducted. His sharing his fight through his music and the documentary Dear Jack have taught me so much about what it means to be a fighter, and helped me to understand and respect the people I've known effected by cancer and what they've gone through. Closure, and Admiration is what this man's brought me, and for that, he's my idol. There's so much more that I love about him, but you know, figure it out:

Status: FAIL. But I have seen him twice in concert and will be seeing him in August with Something Corporate. lifemadethanks. Also, I have given him a note expressing my respect for him, through the drummer of fun and a helpful member of the handi-capped section of the Sound Academy show in February.

One more thing:

Well, there we go. Ten pretty sweet people.
and you can believe it.

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