Wednesday, July 21, 2010

going on 17.

In honour of my seventeenth birthday tomorrow, I've decided to compile another list, so here it is.
(I'll also be introducing two new features. yes.)

16 things I did while I was 16.

1. Ate at Arby's.
Here we have it. I finally bit the bullet. Just today, in fact. I never thought I'd be able to say it, but I can. I have eaten at Arby's, and to top it off, so far there's been no salmonella poisoning. GOOD START!

2. Traveled.
I'm a pretty lucky gal, in many ways but not all of them relate directly to this particular part of the post. I'm referring to the fact that I've been given every opportunity to travel at a young age and for that I am forever grateful. I can't get over how amazing it is that at the age of 17 minus one day, -actually almost exactly now that it's 6:40- I have been to over 20 different countries over three continents. Yes, very lucky.
During my sixteenth year: Mexico, and Croatia/Slovenia.
I have to say between those two I preferred the latter although it's hard to say as both experiences were so different.

Mexico was different than any trip we've taken cause we stayed at a beach resort. It was weird... sleeping in, a devout lack of churches and cemeteries, free food and alcohol everywhere you walked. INSANE.

Croatia/Slovenia was amazzzzing. It was more traditional, waking up early exploring city and countryside. Swimming in lake bled, speaking to a topless australian man. Good stuff all around. I'm glad that I've reached and age where I can truly get the most out of these trips. It's awesome. First destination while I'm 17 is London/Paris. Pumped up.

3. Went To Some Concerts.
wow, another way in which I'm lucky. My dad and brother are up for taking my friends and I to concerts! Awesomee. :)

Jack's Mannequin was AMAZING. So, so good. I saw some Nate Ruess from FUN. up and close and in my face. That was awesome, aside from my panic attack when I couldn't see Andrew run out on stage to wish Nate a happy birthday. I'm over it, though. Plus through the help of CELTAE and DYLAN, I got a note to Andrew McMahon also thanks to the touring drummer from FUN. annnnnd the nice friend of the guy with the fro in the wheelchair. You guys are the best. But seriously, life changing show.

Billy Talent. Also fun. You know, jammin' out to the grade school hits. It's all a good time. And then you've got some Against Me! opening and it adds up to a night of swooning. Ben Kowalewicz , guh. Tom Gabel, guh guh.

The Decemberists. So goooood. Ugh, spooky and creepy for the first half. The entire Hazards of Love album played straight, no crowd-talking. Next half, fun and playful and whimsical, as you would expect. Colin Meloy is charisma-city. yup.

Basia Bulat. AHHHHH! life made. Met her, best person alive. The end.

4. Made Some Cool Friends.
So, I've been told since the beginning, "don't worry about it... you'll find your circle and when you do, you'll be having such a blast you won't remember any of the boring days beforehand."

To that advice I say: TOO TRUE.
Basically, after jumping and bouncing from group to group, I've finally found a group of people I can feel comfortable with, and it was well worth the wait.

It all started with a girl named Celtae Baxter. AH. The best. That's what I have to say. She's just my favourite. I love her. She's hilarious, like so so funny. Don't believe me? Ask her to do a Jewish Man impression. Don't worry, I won't expecting a: "you were right, Scarlett" you'll be a little busy with your sides splitting and all. Also, kindest girl, always with the compliments. TO EVERYONE. People she doesn't even particularly like, she's speaks the truth in a positive way and it's wonderful. I cherish her friendship more than anything.

Also: DYLAN BRUXER, holy cow this man makes my life. I love him to bits. He's hilarious and is always there to listen to every problem you have, and make you feel damn good about yourself afterward. He's my saving grace.

Now, Hugh Lobb. This kid's a show-stopper. He's quite the guy, and I must say I'm quite fond of him. The most stylish, interesting man in Huron County, and he's got the hair and good looks to pull everything off. Not to mention, he's a genius, annnnd has fab taste in music. He's also a pretty darn good friend, and I'm grateful to have met him. p.s High Pitched Hugh will always be my favourite one.

Curtis TeBrinke. Ah, this kid is wonderful. He's just such a peach. He's the funniest guy I've pretty much ever met. And I just don't even know where half the jokes come from, they just appear in his mind so quickly. Sometimes, too quickly because he says things that probably should never be said. But I still laugh so I guess, I can't just pin the racism on him. Also, he's just a super nice guy, and I enjoy that he's never afraid to speak his mind and just be himself. Gah, just a good guy all around, and I'm super glad to have a friend like him in Clinton.

Reubennnn. Man you are awesome. I don't know if you hear that enough, but you are. You're just always so energetic and happy and just enjoying life, and I admire that about you. It's great. Not to mention you're super nice, and just always looking to be there for everyone in so many ways. You're also a mighty fine camper, if I say so myself. You should probably continue living the way you do. You'll be big one day.

And I could go on about Marije, Bailey, Rebekah, Jessalyn, Grant, Ariel, Jordan, Brittany, Adria, Dexter. Buuuuuut, I'll save that for another time. :)

5. Won An Election
Definitely happy about number five here, I worked hard for it. You are currently reading a post written by the St. Anne's Student Cabinet Minister of Arts and Culture, and darn proud of it. After losing last year's election, the win felt gooooood this time. Beating out one girl who was pretty damn sure she'd win was especially sweet. Even more so now that she's deleted me off facebook. NICE.
Also, this let the opportunity open up for me to join in on the festivities of STUD. CAB. RETREAT. Which was a wonderful day of not being at school and hanging in a cool little cabin in belgrave. It also gave me the opportunity to show off my potential and run a wicked tie-dye station at "Outsideapalooza." Bob Marley towel, tie-dye shirts from the drama room spread over a tree, some colourful bell bottoms, and some matching red checkered shirts, Marije and I brought the house down, or we would have if it wasn't outside.

6. Brought Back Writer's Guild.
Haha, another proud moment for myself. This little gem was a club that my brother was a part of in his St. Anne's day, and something I looked forward to in my late elementary school days. Once I got to high school, I was disappointed to find out the club was no longer in existence, it took some time but by grade eleven I worked up the gumption to bring it back, and it was going strong! Well, as strong as a five member club that just writes and eats can be going, which in my eyes is Samson before the hair loss levels. For this I received my first ever award at the co-curricular banquet. YES! I also wrote a killer proposal to the government, so killer they granted us some 780 dollars which was promptly spent on sweaters for "promotion" of the club. Also, YES!

7. Started And Dropped A SHSM
Okay, so this year a Specialist High Skills Major Program in Arts and Culture was introduced to our school. Naturally, I was keen and signed up immediately. I was then asked to attend the press release for this very program, which I did. I then was able to participate in a variety of freeeee workshops. This includes, Stage Combat certification, Dance lessons a la Thomas Erb, Mystery Dinner Theatre, OCAD tours and random trips to Kensington Market, also jewelry making, annd some UWO concert band, CPR certification, basically awesome. Then, I dropped it this summer after they screwed me over for my summer placement. Yeah, lame. Whatever free bus fare to many awesome places.

8. Joined Band.
I joined band this year, and I play the triangle. Mr. Geddis is my fave. And Also, with this I got to go to Montreal with a bunch of awesome friends of mine. LOVED IT. So much fun, I also got to skip class and help J-Gedz with an assortment of tasks. Nice.

9.Made Full Use Of My Roof.
So, aside from the fact that I am about to go read some ghost stories up in that piece, I've been using my roof to it's full potential this year. I'm talking: dance parties, picnics, a full day of watching How I Met Your Mother on my iPod, Laying out there in the cold ends of winter, hell I even built a snowman on that thing. I win.

10. Made Daily Holidays.
Let's see, Patty Cake Monday/Funny Walk Monday, Jewsday/Hughsday, High-Five Wednesday/Weezer,Wild Beasts Wednesday, Act Like A Dinosaur For At Least Five Minutes Thursday, Compliment Friday, and CELEBRATION FRIDAY.
weeekend: Satchel Saturday/ Caturday, and Sunday is Funday.

11. Saw Some Plays.
From the good: LAST DAYS OF JUDAS ISCARIOT... SO GOOD, Jesus Christ Superstar WITH THE ACTUAL JESUS FROM THE MOVIE! :D, to the bad.... Baby Steps, The Bootblack Orator. Sooo bad.

12. Skipped Some School
In grade nine, I remember thinking I would never skip a day of school. By grade eleven, that was done. I skipped math a bunch of times to just goof off, mostly I had some teeing out bullshit from someone or another one, but the odd time I just left with bailey and dylan and went to the antique store and bought some dinosaur pins. Another time, I skipped S.A.P to hang out with celtae and the boys from Fake Problems, and listen to some Bob Dylan Christmas music, and eat some mo fuckin' triscuits. My life is golden.

13. MC'd Some Coffee House.
Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like, I did just that. I got up on stage with Marije Sears Stryker, and I brought the house down, again... metaphorically. We basically just told some bad jokes and then got Curtis, Hugh and celtae up for some Awesome times... overall enjoyable.

14. Drove A Car.
This is another on accomplished just today. And I didn't even kill one person.

15. Co-Wrote A Movie Script.
Yeah, that's right. Curtis Te Brinke and I definitely wrote a movie. NICE. It's pretty awesome just cause it's so funny and we actually did it. I am keen to do something with it when the opportunity presents itself. But hey, it's an accomplishment.

16. Started a Blog.
what up. my friends did it, I should never go to parties... peer pressure is just too much for me.

The very new addition to BAMFAB.


Husband of the day:
Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Now picture him in zero gravity. Go see Inception.

His added husband bonus quality: JEWISHNESS! LOVE HIM. do it.

1 comment:

  1. its a fact now.
    you are just pulled to jewishness before you even know they are jewish.
