Monday, August 9, 2010

Something Corporate Concert (Husband Of Life.)

This is the overall winner of HOTD, and no matter how many of them I post, no one will ever top him.
Andrew McMahon.

This man is my hero. Basically, as I've already told my reasons for loving him in a previous post about why I want to meet him, I need to tell you my new reasons/other reasons.

So, I went to the Toronto date of the: "An Evening With Something Corporate Tour" and I am not sure I'll ever be the same again. The entire day was magical, beginning with a tour of the Harry Potter Exhibition at the Ontario Science Centre. Here's what I have to say about the show:

As excited as I was when I found out that Soco was reuntiting for a tour, the butterflies died down over the summer as I became immersed in so many other things. All the distractions, however melted away as I retreated from the Koolhaus building and stopped in my tracks when, through the black brick wall I was facing, floated the voice of Andrew McMahon distinctively singing the Something Corporate song "Hurricane." I quickly caught the attention of everyone on the street by waving my arms and "Shh"ing wildly. Silence fell just quickly enough for me to hear the end of the soundcheck and Andrews voice making requests for the adjustments of vocal equipment. Basically this is when I died.

The rest of the night might as well have been heaven, it was so good I couldn't even deal with it. Waiting in line for 2 and a half hours was all a part of this glorious experience. Time went by quickly as Mariel, Rebekah and I made friends with some fellow SOCO fans in front of us, conversation sped things up and soon enough we found ourselves walking into the concert hall to the sweet beatz of 'Such Great Heights' by the postal service, right on up to the barriers on the leftside of the stage. Anticipation built and built as the wait continued, now accompanied by a repeating playlist including The Postal Service, Dave Matthews Band, and an interrupted 'Lovesong' by the Cure. By the time Lovesong came on for the second time I was thuroughly annoyed when it was again cut short and this time by some cheesy Peaches and Herb song. It was then that the lights turned out and four of the five original members of Something Corporate (William Tell temporarily replaced by Bobby Anderson of Andrew's other band Jack's Mannequin), walked onto the stage and grooooved to the sounds of "Reunited and it feeeeeeeels so goood."


I was pretty sure that there was no topping this but these boys proved me wrong again and again. Hurricane started the show off, and Andrew walked directly over to my corner to start singing, this is when it hit me that this night would be completely unforgettable. 'I Wanna Save You' followed with an equally good reaction from the crowd. Swooning teenage girls, and boys alike. The rest of the show was just glorious, here's the setlist:

("This is about a girl I knew")
I Wanna Save You
Me And The Moon
("Are you ready to get crazy Toronto?")
21 And Invincible
("This is something I wrote when I was kind of young and stupid")
Drunk Girl
Only Ashes
The Astronaut
Cavanaugh Park
She Paints Me Blue
Watch The Sky
("We actually filmed a video for this next song right here in Toronto")
I Woke Up In A Car
Punk Rock Princess

Everysong was executed flawlessly, and Andrew's banter between songs was captivating though maybe a little sparce. As he spoke of being "fucked up" while Josh added "space-age sounds" to the album, he introduced "She Paints Me Blue" as: "a victory that resulted from what I like to call The Mushroom Sessions." He went on to replace Atlanta with Toronto, ('Toronto started raining on me.") getting a huge reaction from the crowd. The man knows his fans. Eventually, the end of Punk Rock Princess meant the end of the show and after thanking the congregation for their participation and dedication, the band left the stage. Everyone seemed to think something was missing, which became obvious as the fist pumping and cries of "KON-STAN-TINE! KON-STAN-TINE!" Echoed through the hall. Leaving everyone waiting just enough to heighten the anticipation, Andrew reclaimed the stage taking a seat at his grand piano. He joked about how this song had become something bigger than itself, "...This song might as well have it's own zip code or something." He continued to revv up the excitement and letting the crowd know that they deserved this encore. "I've sort of eluded playing this song for the past five years, so... this is uh, check one for Toronto." With that, he began to play and the screams were deafening. The band slowly joined him on stage and the nine minutes of pure love resounded through the hall as every single diehard fan's dreams were realized.

The party was started up again with "Down", and the roof came down with everyone's favourite lyrical ''FUCK YOU!'' 'If You C Jordan' Ending the song by jumping up onto the keys of his Piano and stomping out the final notes, Andrew jumped up onto the top of his piano, pointed to Drummer Brian Ireland, and Jumped down on the stage on the last beat. Bobby's high pitched voice could barely be heard saying: 'Thank you very kindly, goodnight' through the insane noise of the crowd.

Best concert of life. Couldn't even deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal.
So here's your song also:

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