Wednesday, December 1, 2010

dishes of wishes.

If I Could Have Anything for Christmas...
Don't ask about the fucking formatting, it's just being ridiculous.

My list of impossible Christmas wishess:

1. The ability to play the piano.
I sort of can do it, if I try and practice a lot a lot. But I'd really like to be able to play something impressive, and have like, adaptable skills. That'd be cool. Grant me this wish, and I will write you a song.

2. A catalog of everything I've ever written.
I used to write a lot, and I never thought I was very good at it. The more I read stuff I wrote when I was younger, the more I realize the very great possibility that I could have written something that would inspire me today, so I wish I could read a lot of the stuff I threw away. Grant me this wish, and I'll write a book with you in the jacket

3. A Christmas party with all my friends.
This isn't really that impossible, but I'd appreciate if it just happened, also.. it would have to involve people in very distant places, so that wouldn't work. But, Grant me this wish, and I'll throw you a party.

4. A better sense of self.

I tend to question myself a lot, and there's nothing about me that seems solid. I just wish I were able to depend on myself more, and understand certain things about me. Or be able to be comfortable with myself more often. Grant me this wish, and I'll probably be happier than I've
ever been.

5. Dinner with one person from my past.
This one is a little more complicated, because you'd have to find a way to make it not awkward. That'd be sweet. Grant me this wish, and I might cry a little.

6. Horse-drawn carriage ride in the snow.
This one wouldn't be impossible so much as improbable. I don't know where this happens, I don't know how this happens, and the timing would have to be right, and it would have to be with someone or some people I care about a lot. Grant me this wish, and I'll hug you for an hour

7. The ability to speak Polish.
Without having to actually learn it. Grant me this wish, and I'll Kocham Cie forever.

8. An entire day to just watch movies with like four of my best friends.
Another one that's not so impossible, just weird with scheduling and people getting very bored with watching movies. Grant me this wish, and I'll owe you one.

9. A closet full of dresses, Christmas sweaters, and Lush products.
Just... yeah. Grant me this, and I'll probably just look, smell, and feel better.

10. This man.........

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